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The Hispanic-Conservative Challenge

american-flagHispanics in the United States, because of their strong influence and presence, represent one of the biggest challenges facing the nation.
As the largest ethnic minority, followed by African-Americans, the Hispanic population grows at a giddy rate, the product of elevated birth rate and immigration indexes. This converts Hispanics into a social group with a good prognosis in American society, but it also places enormous pressure on that society in the areas of education, health, security, cultural integration and immigration.
These challenges require propositions and solutions tailored to the present situation, without false political or governmental paternalisms, that offer justice, real opportunities and equality.
Hispanics are generally identified as more sympathetic to Democrats because it is thought that this party supports Hispanic interests more often. Indubitably, some do, but this message that the mass media, controlled by progressives, insists on communicating, that the Democratic party is a great champion for Hispanics is erroneous and unrealistic, like so many other messages the press insists on diffusing.
The Republican Party and the conservative movement are in truth the groups that consider politics centered around real progress for Hispanics within the framework of individual independence, stability, security and integration.
When conservatives defend a migration policy of secure borders and organized regularization of undocumented immigrants, they are defending safer conditions for the nation and preventing abuse of illegal workers.


When conservatives defend education politics integrating Hispanics, they are defending the progress of Hispanics from within the established system, under the same conditions as other citizens, with access to the same opportunities.
When conservatives defend a Health policy in which citizens can choose their doctor and their insurance, they are defending Hispanics’ right to receive quality medical services, like all other citizens, as opposed to a massive and inferior public care that is less advanced, with interminable waiting lists and little dignity.
When conservatives defend a policy of strong security on borders and in cities, they are defending the security of all citizens and residents, including the Hispanics, who work hard in these communities. Conservatives are defending the right to live without experiencing violent repercussions during waves of undocumented workers, without violent gangs, and without suffering work conditions that are nearly, or clearly exploitative. They are trying to prevent unorganized immigration that provokes insecurity and crime.
When conservatives defend the right to prayer, they are defending quintessentially Hispanic and American values of religious faith and freedom to practice one’s own creed.

flag conservative

Conservative Ideology is little known or understood in some Hispanic sectors because it wouldn’t benefit the important mass media behind the Democratic party and other social groups. Conservatives contemplate Hispanics as more than votes or justifications for certain politics and expenses; as free, intelligent and responsible citizens who must have available to them adequate resources in order to prosper in this country; resources that aren’t received via state protection or massive social subventions, as proposed by the Democrats habitually, but are instead gained through education, opportunities, employment, security, freedom, rights and quality health care. Treating Hispanics as first class United States Citizens, while maintaining respect for their cultural roots is part of achieving this goal.
Conservatism defends a harmonious integration of Hispanics that respects both the culture of origin and traditional American culture. As history demonstrates, this enrichment of the two cultures has always strengthened the immigrant, America and its cultural background.


The great conservative challenge is to bring about a revolution that converts Hispanics into the fundamental protagonists of progress in this nation. The same as it did before with the rest of society. Hispanics should feel the heat and the proximity of an ideology that considers them human beings worthy of sharing in American exceptionality and forming a part of this nation of free men and women. Because the greatest lesson of the United States is that there are no Hispanics, whites, African-Americans or Asians, there are only free and independent United States Citizens.

Note: Published in The Americano
Nota: Publicado en The Americano

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