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The Latino Trendsetter Awards

Laura PosadaThis past 16th of November in New York the eighth edition of the Latino Trendsetter Awards was presented by DTM (Defining Trends Magazine) recognizing leaders and trendsetters in the Hispanic community who produce quality work in diverse professional fields like education, music, technology, politics, banking, business, etc.
DTM’s Latino Trendsetters are those individuals who don’t fear standing out, making a difference and defining the new tendencies and trends that influence not only the Latino Community, but the general market as well. As a part of these awards, DTM also provides economic resources to university students in the CUNY system in the form of scholarships.


Latino Trendsetter Awards


This eighth edition of the Latino Trendsetter Awards is also sponsored by State Farm Insurance, MillerCoors, Pfizer, and Health Plus, and once again shows us private enterprise’s commitment to promoting important social and cultural causes in this country.
All over the world, the United States is a shining example of the benefits of private sponsorship, a system that has always produced excellent results, for both businesses and the causes they sponsor. Here commercial drive and personal initiative join hands to convert cultural, artistic, and other projects in real successes with an added value that goes beyond the market and deeply influences the social sphere, the communities and citizens of this country.







In European, Latin-American and Asian countries, sponsorship is often depends on the traffic of influence, corruption, favoritism, and nepotism to fund projects that are regularly of absolute no value, but count on this economic support to pay political or personal favors, among others. In contrast, in the United States, sponsorship really works because the market works, beyond connections and favor paying, with independence and objectivity. If a project, a job, or a cause is really worthwhile, it can find sponsorship, and this is something that would never happen in a business environment polluted by people who don’t believe in free market, or in a market limited by the State or central governments; in a free market, where private initiative reigns, anything is possible. Because of this, the United States is a notable exception in the world. Unlike in Spain, China, France or Mexico, where sponsorships are nonexistent or don’t really work, and where government subventions conceded on a whim or via personal connections, are the norm, in the United States, private sponsorship motivates individuals and associations to excel and has positive repercussions in society.







The Latino Trendsetter Awards are a practical example of how the market, with the help of well-timed and generous sponsorships, can make awards incentives for excellence and recognize diverse professionals.
This year’s winners were the following: Rubén Díaz Jr., Bronx County president, legendary latino musician Willie Colón, author and activist Laura Posada –wife of the Yankees baseball player, Jorge Posada-, José Piñero, Communications Director for TV, Video and Business at Microsoft; Maritza Puello of NY1 News; Lourdes López, Marketing Director of AXA Equitable; professor Jenny Rivera, from CUNY law school; Richard González, New York’s regional director of Capital One Back; Lutzi Vieluf, owner of Cibao Meat Products; Randall Berman, director of Coca-Cola Company’s Hispanic brands; Elizabeth Chalas Berman, president of Continental Food and Beverage, Inc. (the producers of Inca Kola); lawyer Miguel Pozo, of Lowenstein Sandler; José Luis Rodríguez, founder and CEO of HITN-TV; and doctor Angela Díaz, professor of pediatrics at Monte Sinaí Hospital’s School of Medicine. All of these exceptional individuals were honored with a Latino Trendsetter statue at the November 16th ceremony in New York.
This year’s scholarship winners were Melinda Gonzales and Stephanie Torres from CUNY Lehman College; Rachael Soto from CUNY Queens College; and Victoria Rodríguez from the City College of New York.





The words of DTM magazine seem truer than ever: «Latino trendsetters make us proud of our legacy, and whether or not they’re recognized as such, represent an important model for our youth because they are visible and active in Hispanic culture and community (…) a Latino trendsetter transcends frontiers and defines tendencies not only in Hispanic culture, but in general American culture «.
These words are right on target, because more and more often, Hispanics, with their initiatives, their hard work, and their examples, mark new tendencies in United States society.
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