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Hispanic Entrepreneurs

Some organizations serve to unite the efforts of many in a common cause, in an extraordinary and effective way. This is the case of the National Organization of Hispanic Entrepreneurs, With their headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina, the organization was founded with the goal of helping and strengthening Hispanic entrepreneurs in this country; a group that continues to have limited representation in the United States and presents an important opportunity for development. As a non-profit organization, NHEO is focused on the promotion of social initiative and economic self-sufficiency among Hispanics.
NHEO provides tools and resources to Latino entrepreneurs such as conferences and Internet based training programs. These programs provide useful tutelage and aid in said entrepreneurial activity. Continuing in the American tradition that has permitted the growth and progress of millions of citizens based in healthy capitalism, NHEO has become a formidable ally for those trailblazing individuals that want to start their own business or entrepreneurial activity. The organization’s partnership with Microsoft allows them to increase the resources and services available to investors, entrepreneurs, partners, politicians, researchers, etc.

Organizations like NHEO are necessary to connect the resources and knowledge available in today’s marketplace with Hispanics’ ideas and entrepreneurial spirit. This combination presents a huge opportunity for development with an unlimited potential for growth; growth and development that could put Hispanics in a very good place in business and social relations.
Successful Latino businessmen are models of dedication and real progress. Unlike government and social aid programs, these trailblazers are paving the road to follow for those Hispanics who want to be successful businesspeople in the United States. Historically, capitalism has been a great source of opportunities and progress for citizens with initiative, an idea, and a dream.
NHEO supports these Hispanic entrepreneurs with assistance, aid and access to other resources. This is the best way to make sure more and more Hispanics have better jobs and more opportunities. One NHEO’s initiatives is the “Ambassador Program.” The program has recently selected ten ambassadors that will represent the organization for a period of ten months. These ambassadors will serve as model members that will help connect and expand NHEO, recruit new leaders and serve as contacts between the organization and local communities, by giving conferences and participating in debates among other duties. These Ambassadors represent various states. The focus of the program is on motivating the development of solid leaders and higher community participation; a strong presence in communities where Hispanics live is considered to be the most direct way to reach Latino entrepreneurs and efficiently help them with their projects. The chosen ambassadors are:
Mauricio Leyva Washington, D.C.
Christopher Valdez Tucson, AZ
David Vargas Charlotte, NC
Richard Purcell Charlotte, NC
Josilu Carbonel Alexandria, VA
Víctor Esparza San Bernardino, CA
Francisco Roliz New Haven, CT
Ever Ruiz Madison, NJ
Diana Rodríguez Agiss San Diego, CA
Agustín Velasquez Charlotte, NC

All of the above ambassadors were selected by the NHEO’s Selection Committee. Selections were based on candidates’ aptitudes for leadership, personal ethics, communicative and social abilities, and aptitudes for team work, management, motivation, positive progress, candidates’ clear definition of goals and adequate identification with the NHEO’s entrepreneurial culture.
Organizations like NHEO are important because they play a key role in the preparation of these entrepreneurs; trailblazing individuals that will create real wealth, opportunities and social progress. The Ambassador Program will also help break down cultural and ethnic barriers, by working to eliminate prejudices and poverty.

This work is also important because even though Hispanics currently make up 13 percent of the U.S. population, only 6.6 percent of businesses are Hispanic-owned. Increasing the number of Hispanic-owned enterprises is key to increasing development and wealth among Latinos. To achieve this goal, it’s fundamental to encourage and develop the entrepreneurial spirit among Hispanics. If we consider that Hispanics, according to current statistical predictions, will become the majority population in 2050, we must also consider that for the good of all Americans, Hispanics must represent an increasingly essential role in the economic growth of this country. Hispanic entrepreneurs will leave their mark on the American business world, and if given the chance to be successful, their success will create wealth and benefits for all Americans: NHEO has been working for years to accelerate and improve this progress for Hispanics and all Americans.
Organizations like the NHEO are responding to the needs of Hispanics and all Americans. Their answer are programs that promote sustainable economic growth, based in the entrepreneurial and competitive spirit of capitalism, distanced from concepts like social aid and government grants and subventions waste taxpayers’ money and produce no real wealth.
Entrepreneurs, Hispanic and otherwise are a guarantee for the future of jobs, economic growth and stability as well as a world of opportunities.

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