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Welcome Home, Dolly Parton

Dolly Parton, uno de los grandes símbolos femeninos de la música country, ha sabido ofrecer su visión de numerosos temas en sus canciones, siempre con talento, sensibilidad y esa voz prodigiosa que atesora en su garganta. Las canciones de soldados tampoco se han escapado de su buen hacer profesional.
En el año 2004, Dolly Parton sacó un álbum marcadamente patriótico, “For God And Country”, en el que incluyó el single “Welcome Home”, su tributo a los hombres y mujeres que sirven a los Estados Unidos en las Fuerzas
Una canción con buenas dosis de emociones en cada una de las tres historias que se cuentan, desde perspectivas diferentes. La primera de ellas nos presenta a un padre esperando impaciente el regreso de su hijo de la guerra. La segunda historia nos lleva hasta una madre despertando en mitad de la noche, al mismo tiempo que su hijo cae muerto en batalla, y cómo esta vez el viaje es a un nuevo “hogar”: el cielo. La tercera historia nos acerca directamente un aspecto espiritual, con referencias a Jesús y a Dios, y su bienvenida a los héroes caídos al “hogar del cielo”.

Dolly Parton sabe dramatizar perfectamente las historias y hace suya la canción y los sentimientos con esa capacidad asombrosa que tiene para convertir la letra de una canción en algo vivo y capaz de conectar con el oyente de forma extaordinaria y poderosa. Sólo una Maestra como ella es capaz de hacer con una canción algo que llega al corazón de todos de forma sencilla, conmovedora, y natural.

Dolly Parton Welcome Home

Dolly Parton – Welcome Home – In Live


With great antisipation he waited at the door
His only son was due from over seas
For months now he’d been waitin
Since he’d gone off to war and his eyes were
Filled with tears of great relief

Welcome home son
His loving arms held open
And his heart so full of love
Welcome home son
I’ve been prayin and been hopin
And i never did give up
I knew that you’d return to me
The place where you were meant to be
Rest now for youve been gone to long.
I heard him say as they embraced
I’ve waited so long for this day
My son my very own welcome home

Well a dreary rain is fallin
Were another soldier fell
While a mother wakes up
Cryin in the night
She thought she heard him calling
In that moment she could tell
Her only son had passed into the light

Welcome home son
His loving arms held open
And his heart so full of love
Welcome home son as
Jesus stood their glowing
Their hand reached out and touched
I knew that you’d return to me
The place that you were meant to be
Rest now for youve been gone to long.
I heard him say as they embraced
I’ve waited so long for this day
My son my very own welcome home

I think of all families who have lost a darlin one
I think how jesus died for all our sins
And i think how much god loves us to
Send his only son to live and die and then to live again

Welcome home son i hope to hear god saying when its my time to go
Welcome home while the angel band is playing and god comes to
Claim my soul the angels will be singing and joy bells
Will be ringing rejoicing ill shout and sing along.
When their are no more wars to fight
And where all children of the light when the father
And the son say welcome home..
Welcome home …welcome home.
Welcome home

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