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The Continuing Education Academy

DavidAlvarez-350x232The American education system is full of examples that represent challenges overcome thanks to exemplary initiatives.
The James A. Green Continuing Education Academy, an alternative institute of secondary education founded by the retired teacher James Green, in Tolleson, Arizona (a suburb of Phoenix) is one of them.
This Academy, with its large population of Hispanic students, has given hope to hundreds of boys and girls whose futures have been changed for the better because of their experience in its classrooms.




The Academy was born when Kino Fernández, the regional director of teaching, asked for Mr. Green’s help in solving the problem of students that dropped out before finishing high school. Mr. Green’s solution literally rescued many of the very students that the system had previously considered “impossible” saves.
In a few years, the Academy accomplished extraordinary graduation indexes and numerous prizes, among them the title of “Best of the West,” awarded to the “best” high school in the western part of Maricopa county, Arizona.
The Academy’s success radiates from a distinct educational focus, tailored to the real-life circumstances of its students, the great majority of which live in difficult socioeconomic conditions, many of them with children to take care of. The Academy’s response to these circumstances was to create a learning environment that was self-directed and supported by huge doses of motivation and flexibility. For example, the Academy is open from 7:30 in the morning until 9 o’clock at night, and students choose the schedule that best meets their needs. Furthermore, each student has an individualized program of study.
This way, the students feel they have real power and options in their lives, and that makes it much easier for them to assume responsibilities. This system provides them with the self-esteem, and confidence that are so necessary to face the challenges of education.
In the words of Mr. Green, the time students spend in the Academy can be reduced to one message: “Always have passion and a dream”.


Dozens of lives have been changed thanks to this educational initiative that wisely looked beyond traditional government methods, returning hope and opportunity to many Hispanics.
The James A Green Continuing Education Academy is evident proof that well-directed motivation can accomplish great things with Hispanic students, making it possible for them to face serious problems in their lives and let them achieve responsibility and determination through their own initiative. These are great examples of conservative values in action.
Motivation and personal effort are values that should guide Hispanics’ education and are even more important when many of them must face complicated situations in their communities and family environments. Students must possess these classic values, which are frequently ignored by supposed progressive politics that attempt to substitute the desire to succeed in life, which has always functioned well, with gigantic government programs that try to direct education through pre-established rules.
Consistency and sacrifice in studies have always demonstrated that success is within reach of those who make an effort, be it in a traditional or alternative educational program, like The James A Green Continuing Education Academy.


It is especially important that Hispanics, who more often than is desirable, drop out of high school, learn this lesson, as well as those teachers who have lost their motivation with their most difficult students. In education, conservative values guarantee success for students and teachers alike. Likewise, students and teachers must always be conscious of the maxim of learning and teaching above all circumstances.
In an environment that often loses sight of traditional values and substitutes them for who knows what, a tactic that only reaps failure and the dissolution of social structure, it would be great if we all reflected on what conservative values can contribute to Hispanics’ academic success.


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