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Tag Archives: Education

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La Fundación de Mark Zuckerberg

Las acciones de las personas son las que hablan mejor que nada de su valía como tales, más allá de estereotipos, prejuicios o tópicos. Que Estados Unidos es fecundo en ciudadanos generosos es sabido ya por todos. Una de las últimas acciones filantrópicas destacadas del

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An Education in Human Values

An interesting aspect of education, one that our teachers should pay special attention to in their classes, is communicating important human values that are being neglected and ignored in favor of an education designed exclusively as a tool to find employment in today’s market. While

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Literacy Program for Hispanics

The successful integration of Hispanic immigrants into American society is a crucial challenge for the nation, because future prosperity, as well as employment and educational opportunities for millions of people, depend on it. So it follows that programs and initiatives supporting immigrants’ education from the

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The Tomorrow Fund

Education is a field in which politics and private initiatives can contribute substantially to the improvement of our country as a whole as well as the progress of individual citizens. Specifically, the education of Hispanics presents stimulating challenges that must be faced with courage and

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AP Exams

A few weeks ago, the 6th Annual AP Report to the Nation was published by the College Board. The report makes reference to the growing number of Hispanic students successfully completing AP Exams, in the period from 2004 to 2009. Florida, a state with one

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Educational Campaign: “It’s Time”

One of the most positive aspects of American culture is that of individual and community responsibility. This sense of individual and community responsibility is a fundamental element of conservative ideology, an ideology that has always defended definitive action when considering the role of the States

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New America School

Las enormes posibilidades que abren las escuelas públicas “charter” se están comprobando año tras año. Hoy me centraré en el caso de la New America School, con varias sucursales en el área metropolitana de Denver: Lowry, Thornton, Eagle, y Lakewod (Colorado), Gypsun, al oeste de

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