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Letters From Home, by John Michael Montgomery

Este single fue lanzado al mercado en 2004 y alcanzó el número 2 en la lista Billboard. La canción pone el foco de atención en esas cartas que recibe el soldado de casa mientras está en el frente de guerra y que lo mantienen actualizado de lo que sucede. La balada nos cuenta los sentimientos de quienes escriben y del soldado después de leer las cartas de sus seres queridos, que en este caso son las de su madre, su padre y su prometida.
Las cartas vienen a recordarnos el apoyo a los soldados, el amor y la devoción, y el recuerdo de la causa por la que están luchando.
Es una intensa balada que muestra la parte más emocional del soldado, que conecta a través de las cartas con la gente que realmente le importa, por la que tanto sacrifica para conseguir su seguridad, y que están ahí cada día, pensando en él.

Letters From Home, John Michael Montgomery

My Dear Son, it is almost June,
I hope this letter catches up to you, and finds you well
Its been dry but they’re calling for rain,
And everything’s the same ol’ same in Johnsonville
Your stubborn ‘ol Daddy ain’t said too much,
But I’m sure you know he sends his love,
And she goes on,
In a letter from home

I hold it up and show my buddies,
Like we ain’t scared and our boots ain’t muddy, and they all laugh,
Like there’s something funny bout’ the way I talk,
When I say: «Mama sends her best y’all»
I fold it up an’ put it in my shirt,
Pick up my gun an’ get back to work
An’ it keeps me driving me on,
Waiting on letters from home

My Dearest Love, its almost dawn
I’ve been lying here all night long wondering where you might be
I saw your Mama and I showed her the ring
Man on the television said something so I couldn’t sleep
But I’ll be all right, I’m just missing you
An’ this is me kissing you
XX’s and OO’s,
In a letter from home

I hold it up and show my buddies,
Like we ain’t scared and our boots ain’t muddy, and they all laugh,
‘Cause she calls me «Honey», but they take it hard,
‘Cause I don’t read the good parts
I fold it up an’ put it in my shirt,
Pick up my gun an’ get back to work
An’ it keeps me driving me on,
Waiting on letters from home

Dear Son, I know I ain’t written,
But sittin’ here tonight, alone in the kitchen, it occurs to me,
I might not have said, so I’ll say it now
Son, you make me proud

I hold it up and show my buddies,
Like we ain’t scared and our boots ain’t muddy, but no one laughs,
‘Cause there ain’t nothing funny when a soldier cries
An’ I just wipe me eyes
I fold it up an’ put it in my shirt,
Pick up my gun an’ get back to work
An’ it keeps me driving me on,
Waiting on letters from home

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