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Hispanic Power

The expanding Hispanic community in the United Status has also extended its growing power on the Internet. Now there are more than 23 million Latinos surfing the web habitually; an important social segment that is the object of greed for advertisers as well as an opinion group that has lots to say about all aspects of life: politics, defense, culture, and the economy, among other subjects.
The experts believe that the Hispanic population on the Internet will grow in a notable way in the coming years, in a manner that could situate the group, according to some estimates, at 26.2 million for 2010, 27.8 million for 2011, and 29.4 million for 2012. As such a large number of citizens, Hispanics will have decisive power in their hands.
This community, more and more prepared at every level, which includes generations of second and third generation immigrants and the new waves of immigrants that incorporate themselves into this nation annually, requires specific content in English and Spanish, focused on its needs, its problems and the challenges of life in the United States.
The Hispanic community, with its traditionally conservative values, needs mass media that reflect those values without ideologically radical apologies, with common sense and objectivity. This community needs mass media that draws upon a vision of this country, and the world in agreement with those values that have moved millions of immigrants in their search for prosperity, liberty and happiness; Immigrants that, with effort and work, are making reality the ideals of this nation’s Founding Fathers. Reasons for which Hispanics are perfectly capable of defending coherently the Constitution, which consecrates these basic principles shared by all.
Today, Hispanics are a force with enormous potential on the Internet, with a current buying power of more than 900,000 million dollars that will reach $1 billion in 2011. As informed consumers and voters this is a public whose opinions can move projects, and initiatives, as well as influence the election of a president.
According to a study titled Cultural Connection, realized through the surveying of 2,600 Hispanics of ages varying between 18 and 55 that use media in Spanish weekly in the U.S., more than two-thirds of those interviewed had been using Internet more than five years; 80% had high-speed Internet; 44% accessed Internet wirelessly. Additionally, 56% of the Hispanic population habitually connects to the Internet and among those connected, 81% consider themselves in their majority to be assimilated into mainstream American culture in the United States, and more than 75% participate in social networking on-line.
This study reflected that two-thirds of the surveyed parties consumed content both in English and Spanish from which is inferred the importance of using both languages on the Internet.
Hispanic power in the U.S. continues its upward trend, and manifests itself in the buying power of our community, which has increased 29% since 2001, two times the general growth in the entire country, and in 2008 is hit the dollar value of $6.5 billion, according to a study realized by the University of Georgia.
In North-American market, advertising campaigns directed at Hispanics are no longer unusual. The distribution giant, Wal-Mart, for example, now prints their monthly ad papers in English and Spanish, and also began the publication of a magazine specifically for Hispanics that is distributed free in 1,300 stores with a large Latin Clientele. Also, there are hundreds of print and online newspapers produced in the Spanish language.
With Hispanics making up 15% of the national population in the U.S., Hispanic culture is more and more present in commercial, business, and political strategies, as well as in daily life. The influence and power of Hispanics is in no way unappreciated and has not gone unnoticed by conservative politicians, who are linked to the Hispanic community by so many values and ideals. But in order to reach Hispanics with a clear and independent voice, in contrast with the ideas that politicians and progressive media commonly defend, in order to attract Hispanics’ support and votes, conservative politicians have some challenges: comprehending the anxieties and doubts of this lively and hard-working community; defending Hispanic interests in those States and cities where the Hispanic presence is in the hundreds of thousands; knowing how to channel this combination of values in way that protects Hispanics’ Identity, cultural heritage, and principle objectives; defending their current needs with attractive and efficient solutions.
A challenge which the Republican Party is making a strong effort to answer, and in a honest way, of that, I’m sure. An effort which could provide results, if Republicans act with sincerity and explain themselves adequately.
Some Present-day goals are responding to problems that affect Hispanics. According to a study by the Pew Hispanic Center, three-fourths of Hispanics (78) indicate that it is difficult to find employment where they live. Some of these goals concern providing possible solutions for the 10.1% of Latinos that are unemployed, or for the 9% of Hispanic home-owners that haven’t been able to pay their mortgages during the last year, or for the 1 out of every 10 Hispanics that is behind on his or her mortgage, and to the 3% which has already received notice of lien. Also these goals face the problem of lack of financing for education programs and English classes, as well as health and crime problems that affect their neighborhoods.
For 2020, 1 out of every 6 Americans will be of Hispanic descent and for 2050, 1 out of every 4 will be of Hispanic descent, that is to say, 30% of the population; today we are more than 45 million, with the addition of the 12 million illegal Hispanic immigrants still not regularized, and the biggest minority group in the country. The conservative values defended by the Republican Party cannot turn their back on this community. It is precise that they articulate their force and power in a way that defends these values with a truly integrative project for the future, giving answer to current challenges; with politics based in healthy conservative values: low government spending, strong defense, politics in favor of the family, opportunities for education and work for all, quality healthcare, migratory reform, religious and cultural identity, fight against crime and delinquency and transparency in public management.
Internet can be a decisive tool in the defense of the values which are at the heart of the Hispanic identity: family, unity, tradition, ideals, patriotism, personal effort, solidarity, savings, property, hope, optimism, happiness, faith and discipline in the workplace.
Characteristics that are also intrinsic to the North-American identity, to which Hispanics bring so much, and can continue contributing to in a substantial way.

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