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Educational Campaign: “It’s Time”

One of the most positive aspects of American culture is that of individual and community responsibility. This sense of individual and community responsibility is a fundamental element of conservative ideology, an ideology that has always defended definitive action when considering the role of the States and big government, that tend to minimize the public’s power and influence and limit their options and freedoms.
The American emphasis on individuality inspires initiatives that contribute to the progress of individual citizens as well as the country as a whole. Unlike in some other cultures, these initiatives once proposed, aren’t then abandoned by the public and left in the hands of the government, but are actively supported by citizens.
An example of this type of initiative is the “It’s time” campaign, launched jointly by the Gates Foundation and the Hispanic television network, Univisión. With the collaborative efforts of the Department of Education and other non-for-profit institutions, this educational initiative will be developed during the next three years.

The campaign’s objective is increasing levels of successful high school graduation. Currently these levels are around 55% for Hispanics, and 69% for non-Hispanic students. In order to prepare students successfully for university and insure the completion of university studies, not only must students and teachers get involved, parents and communities must play an active role in the education of children and adults alike, in such a way that information about the educational system and its possibilities, schools, universities and opportunities for financial aid and scholarships is widely available.
“It’s time” attempts to improve the level of academic success for Hispanics in basic education: from kindergarten to twelfth grade, which is the groundwork students need to make the leap to additional studies in Universities and technical schools.
Education, an important key to success in the United States, must be a priority goal for all citizens, especially Hispanics, who must close the current gap in academic levels with the rest of society, Now, more than ever, this is important, as a fifth of all primary school students are Hispanics. The “It’s time” campaign was launched so that education could help millions of Hispanics to become integrated members of American society and access America’s wealth of opportunities: Possibilities for prosperity and education that aren’t within reach for the general public in any other country; the freedom and the chance to improve one’s lot in life that inspires so many to leave behind their countries of birth.
The merit of the “It’s Time” campaign is that it provides students, parents and communities with all the information and necessary tools to extend post-secondary educational benefits to all peoples and social classes, not only the wealthy and privileged.
When like Melinda Gates, we consider education a civil right, we bring the correct focus to education, politics aside, and open the doors of opportunity to millions of students of every social class with their limitless potential. By involving parents and communities, we are leveling the playing field for students, as their guidance is essential to orient and support young Hispanics.
The campaign encourages us all to put our faith back into education. All Americans need to become deeply involved in education and supporting the next generation. Projects like these truly define the soul of the American people, with their promotion of equal opportunities for all, access to progress in equality of conditions, and ready availability of resources so that talent and intelligence can open the path to success. Only with the collaborative spirit of individual and community responsibility of people who have already achieved success and are deeply committed to the cause like the Gates, can we achieve the American dream for all, a dream that now, more than ever, requires academic success. Therefore opportunities for University education must be made available to all members of society, not only a reduced social or racial group.
As always, the integration of classic conservative principals: responsibility, market, effort and education, are the resources that will serve as a motor propelling the progress in individual communities and nationwide.
When we defend and support these essential values we work together towards a better future.

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